Knight Legionary Standard Bearer (Code: PT01)



Superb figure of a standard bearer of the legion Brigade “Alfonso XIII” what have his barracks in the village of Viator near to Almeria. Wear high uniform and hold in standing position the standard with the coat of arms of the unit. His face and expression show the spirit  of this brave spanish military unit. 


The traditions of the Legion endures in his uniforms specially in official and quarter activities with his distinctive colour the green legionary, but in campaign the uniform is the same of the rest of units of the Spanish Army and follow the rules book of the NATO. 


The Tercio de Extranjeros (Tercio for Foreigners) old name of the Legion, born in 1920 in order for his use in combat in the Riff War (1909-27), with his creation his founder José Millán Astray will want create a real elite force and shock troops  what replaced of the first line the conscript troops poorly trained and lees motivated what have poor military capacity and suffered heavy looses  in the hands of riffians guerrillas.

Id date of born is the 20 of September of 1920, date in what is enlist the first legionary. From this moment prove a formidable combat capacity in the hardest times of the campaign and in a fundamental storm troopers against the moors. And when the war was over in 1927 with the final defeat of the riffians the Tercio was considerate the best corps of the Spanish army in this war.


From his born the Tercio try to absorb all the traditions the Tercios of spanish infantry in the Gold Century with details how the title of knight for everybody legionary, hard discipline, energetic military salute and his specially his spirit write in the “Legionary creed” a behavioural code what resume the spirit and  the strong of the Legion. 


  • Presentación: in luxury quilted case
  • Pintura: artisanally painted by water resistent paints
  • Peso total:  571 grs
  • Peana: brown, ultraviolet barnished, high bright
  • Nº de piezas: 9
  • Medidas peana (mm): 60X60X42
  • Leyenda peana:  ""Caballero Legionario"
  • Altura total (con peana): 31 cm
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