Figure of a Knight Legionary Paratrooper hold a standard of the Paratrooper Brigade. Wear his ordnance black beret and white gloves of parade.
The creation of paratrooper forces in the Spanish Army comes to 1953 when the Minister of Army general Agustin Muñoz Grandes, former Blue Division leader, ordered to the major D. Tomas Pallas Sierra the creation of a paratrooper force at image of the paratrooper forces of the Second World War.
Whit 8 officers, 12 NCO´s and 149 troops the major Pallas begin the training of this first promotion what in 1955 is organized in the First Paratrooper Flag (battalion) “Roger de Flor” in honour of a Almogavar chieftain of same name of the XIII century
Unit of elite and totally ready for the combat, the Paratrooper Brigade BRIPAC “Almogávares” VI is a airborne force considerate with the Legion a elite of the Armed Forces is part of the “Light Forces” and enlist over 4.000 troops.
- Presentación: in luxury quilted case
- Pintura: artisanally painted by water resistent paints
- Peso total: 1.433 grs
- Peana: brown, ultraviolet barnished, high bright
- Nº de piezas: 10
- Medidas peana (mm): 120X70X30
- Leyenda peana: "Brigada Paracaidista 1995"
- Altura total (con peana): 30 cm