Lieutenant Standard Bearer Spanish Air Academy (Code: PT56)


Alferez abanderado A.G.A.Alferez abanderado A.G.A.

Carries the standard of the AGA and the ordnance officer sabre. Also wears  the graduations insignia together the distinctive of the academical course in the collar.

Alferez abanderado A.G.A.Alferez abanderado A.G.A.

With this figure FERPRAD give an homage to one of the bastion of the Spanish Air Force how institution. The 15 of September of 1945 the AGA begin to develop his activities under the command of the Colonel D. Antonio Munaiz de Brea and the incorporation of the 1º promotion.

Alferez abanderado A.G.A.Alferez abanderado A.G.A.

The  10 of December of the same year received his first national flag in donation of the Spanish Air Force  and acquired by all the officers of the institution. Today this standard is conserved in the Air Museum of “Cuatro Vientos” in Madrid.

Alferez abanderado A.G.A.

  • Presentación: in luxury quilted case
  • Pintura: artisanally painted by water resistent paints
  • Peso total:  1.102 grs
  • Peana: brown, ultraviolet barnished, high bright
  • Nº de piezas: 10
  • Medidas peana (mm): 60X60X42
  • Leyenda peana: "Abanderado AGA 2006"
  • Altura total (con peana): 30cm



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