Grupo Especial de Operaciones - GEO (Code: SE18)


Grupo Especial de Operaciones - GEOGrupo Especial de Operaciones - GEO

Wear  the  intervention equipment, totally in black what include helmet and body armour. Strongly armed, is important stand-out the number of pieces used  (details of the equipment) and the folds and shades detached in the uniform.


Grupo Especial de Operaciones - GEOGrupo Especial de Operaciones - GEO

 The GEO or Special Operations Group (Grupo Especial de Operaciones) is a unit of special operations specialized in high risk operations. Also are presents in some determinates international conflicts for protection of citizens, embassies in the foreign, safeguard of high personalities or rescue of hostages operations and any hazardous task what requires the action of an special force.

Grupo Especial de Operaciones - GEOGrupo Especial de Operaciones - GEO

The GEO was created for the infantry captain Ernesto Quijada Romero  in  cooperation with engineers captain Juan Senso Galán and  founded in 1978, under the government of the president Adolfo Suarez and was were Interior Minister Rodolfo Martín Villa. The unit have is quarter in the city of Guadalajara.

Grupo Especial de Operaciones - GEO

  • Presentation: In luxury quilted case
  • Paint: artisanally painted by water resistent paints
  • Total weight of: 1.223 grs
  • Pedestal: brown, barnished ultraviolet, high bright
  • Number of pieces: 21
  • Leyenda "Grupo Especial de Operaciones
  • Pedestal sizes(mm): 60X60X42
  • Total measure including a wood base: 23 cm
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