Over the uniform wear the popular crossed big jacket. Wear the regulated helmet with goggles of wind.
This a very popular uniform in the spanish roads to the foundation of the services to the 80´s years. The transit service (Agrupación deTtráfico) was founded in 1959 for relieve to this task to the Armed Police and join in a single service all transit responsibility.
Before of this task was assumed were a differents essays specially by the 1º Mobil Command of Madrid (Comqandancia Movil de Madrid) with total success. The first unit of transit was by this way created in October of 1958 under the direct command of the General Direction of the Civil Guard.
- Presentation: in luxury quilted case
- Paint: artisanally painted by water resistent paints
- Total weight of: 315
- Leyenda: "Guardia Civil Tráfico 1959"
- Pedestal: brown, ultraviolet barnished, hihgh bright
- Number of pieces: 6
- Pedestal sizes(mm): 70x70x39
- Total measure including a wood base: 15