Civil Guard High Dress uniform (Code: GC49)


Civil Guard High Dress Uniform Civil Guard High Dress Uniform

This uniformity was rescued in 2011 for acts and commemorations of high relevance and is inspirited in the high dress uniform what this corps used from his foundation in 1844 to the year of 1939 in which this uniformity was suppressed.

Civil Guard High Dress Uniform Civil Guard High Dress Uniform

Ferprad take carefully any details in the figure how the silky golden ribbon of the “tricornio” hat and the cockade whit the Spain national colours and the pauldrons of braided thread yarn characteristic of this uniform.

Civil Guard High Dress Uniform Civil Guard High Dress Uniform

The high dress uniforms are used in social events of high relevance and in them to the civilian people is required dress frac, smocking or coats. In wedding ceremonies is use is particular of the fiancée, godfather or significance guests. Yet when is no required this etiquette to the civilian people.

Civil Guard High Dress Uniform Civil Guard High Dress Uniform

  • Paint:  Hand crafted painted with acrylic paints.
  • Total Weight:  1.200 grs
  • Presentation:   In luxury kilted cage.
  • Pedestal: brown, ultraviolet barnished, high bright
  • Nº of pieces:  12
  • Total high  (with pedestal): 23 cm
  • Pedestal sizes (mm): 60x60x42
  • Base Legend: "Uniformidad Gran Gala"
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