In 1844 for the horrible situation of insecurity, bandits gangs, plunder and robbery what stormed the rural Spain after of the Guerra de la Independencia (Peninsular War) the Lopez Bravo government order the creation of a police force similar to the europeans constabulary.
The project is directed by the Military General Inspector D. Francisco Javier Girón de Ezpeleta, Duke of Ahumada and earl of the Amarillas. For this in the 13 of May of this year a Royal Order create the Civil Guard with the particularity but his organization and logistic are in charge of the War Ministry of the War but his command and task will be directed by Interior/security Ministry.
His first action was in the village of Navalcarnero, near of Madrid, the 12 of September of 1884 when abort the storm to the stage coach what comes from Extremadura.
- Presentation: in luxury quilted case
- Paint: artisanally painted by water resistent paints
- Total weight of: 2.383 grs
- Pedestal: brown, ultraviolet barnished, hihgh bright
- Number of pieces: 13
- Pedestal sizes(mm): 105X105X52
- Total measure including a wood base: 29,5 cm